Additonal Bibliography: Joe T. Marshall, PhD

Marshall, J.T. 1995. Birds of coniferous forest on Mount Graham, Arizona. Wilson Bulletin 107:719-723, with color plate and audio cassette by JTM. [Missing legend for color plate is provided by Marshall (1999).]

Marshall, J.T., and K.G. Dedrick. 1994. Endemic song sparrows and yellowthroats of San Francisco Bay. Pp. 316-327 IN J.R. Jehl, Jr., and N.K. Johnson (eds.), A century of avifaunal change in western North America. Studies in Avian Biology 15.

Marshall, J.T., R.A. Behrstock, and C. König. 1991. (Review) Voices of the New World nightjars and Voices of the New World owls by J.W. Hardy, B.B. Coffey, Jr., and G.B. Reynard. Wilson Bull. 103:311-315, with centerfold color plate bv JTM revising Otus atricapillus.

Lanning, D.V., J.T. Marshall, and J.T. Shiflett. 1990. Range and habitat of the Colima Warbler. Wilson Bulletin 102:1-13.

Marshall, J.T., and B.F. King. 1988. The genus Otus. Pp. 331-336 IN D. Amadon and J. Bull, Hawks and owls of the world: a distributional and taxonomic list. Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 3:295-357.
