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Bruce A. Bartrug
PO Box 106
Nobleboro, ME 04555 USA

I've been a naturalist/artist with a special interest in birds since I was a child, and those twin passions have remained with me. I have birded many parts of Latin America, as well as India and Europe. I have a special interest in, and concern for, neotropical birds, and have lectured on the decline of North American neotropical migrants. I enjoy sharing my experiences and love of birds with others through my artwork, especially if this contributes to the conservation of even one species.


Naturalistic bird portraits, with and without habitat backgrounds.


Watercolor, oil, graphite

Preferred species:

No preference, but have concentrated on neotropical birds, including those that migrate to North America in the boreal summer.

Preferred geographic region:

No preference, but I have more experience with birds from North and South America.

Preferred use of earlier or new work:
