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Susan Bourdet

Representative: Wild Wings, Inc.

Susan Bourdet grew up in western Montana, learning early to love nature. Her luminous watercolors combine realistically detailed birds and animals with soft, impressionistic backgrounds, a technique she has evolved through twenty years of painting. She discovered watercolor at twelve, being captivated by a local artist's demonstration. She majored in art and biology, her two great loves, while in college at Montana State. After graduation in 1972, she struggled to find a way to combine her two interests, working as an artist for a ceramics company and later as a pharmacy technician. Additional Biographc Information.




Watrcolor, Gouache

Preferred species:

songbirds, raptors

Preferred geographic region:

North America

Preferred use of earlier or new work:
New work

See also:
electronic media: (includes 40+ limited editions by Bourdet)

published images:

‘Songbirds Calendar’, Bookmark

‘Painting the Allure of Nature’ written and illustrated by Susan Bourdete, Northlight Books