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Colleen Helgeson Nelson
318 Wildwood Park
Winnipeg, MB, R3t OE5, Canda

Colleen Nelson's magnum opus, Downy Waterfowl of North America, is a detailed study of the young of 54 waterfowl species. (See bibliography.) This monograph, the culmination of 30 years of study by an exceptionally talented artist is also the product of a dedicated researcher whose detailed descriptions and measured drawings provide a basis for the study of variation in plumage patterns and behavior in these day-old young. Nelson, mother of seven, Phi Beta Kappa and biologist lives in Winnipeg. Disabled since 1989 by a rare, progressive, non-fatal brain-stem disorder, Nelson no longer draws or paints, but still has available a number of watercolors (no ducklings), about 24 copies of a color print, and line-serigraphs of life-sketches.




Watercolor, Line Serigraphs

Preferred species:

sparrows, nestlings

Preferred geographic region:

North America

Preferred use of earlier or new work:
Earlier Work

See also:
published images:

Animal Ecology, by S. Charles Kendeigh
The Swans, by Sir Peter Scott and The Wildfowl Trust
The Handbook of North American Birds, vol. II, by Ralph S. Palmer
The Golden-crowned Kinglet, by Robert Galati
The Downy Waterfowl of North America, by Colleen H. Nelson