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Anderson Yang
743 Mann Road
HC 2 Box 3896
Trinity Center, CA 96091, USA

Born in 1956 in Taiwan. Obtained master degree of art history department. Then taught watercolor course in university for 5 years. 1988 became professional artist in wildlife art. Founder of the Eco Art Association of Taipei. The leader of the 5th explorer team to the source of Yangze River of China in 1992 (the third biggest river of the world). Since 1998, spent 5 years to visit 55 minorities of China. Traveled across the world, including Arctic, Alaska, Antarctic, Australia, Africa, UK, Tibet, etc.





Preferred species:

Swans of the world - 8 species (40 paintings finished), Cranes of the world - 15 species (60 paintings finished), prehistoric bird, feathered dinosaur and beast (45 paintings finished), endemic birds of Taiwan - 14 species (28 paintings finished), endangered birds of Taiwan - 19 species (25 paintings finished), endangered birds of China (10 paintings finished).

Preferred geographic region:


Preferred use of earlier or new work: