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Barbara Banthien

I worked as a commercial illustrator for twenty years. During this time, I always had a love of painting birds and animals. I finally made the decision to turn my full attention to this artwork, and now birds have become my primary subject. I focus on the birds here in Northern California where I live, ones I can see and study up close. My work appears in a variety of exhibitions around the country.




Acrylic, Gouache, and Graphite

Preferred species:
I am interested in all types of birds.
Preferred geographic region:
I primarily depict birds that are native to my area, Northern California.
Preferred use of earlier or new work:
I can provide either new or older works.

See also:
electronic media:

selected published images:

Birds in Art catalogs, 2000-2003, 1997, 1993
Best of Wildlife Art, vol. 2, 1999
Owls of North America, 1998