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Jay J. Johnson
23 Highland Street,
South Hamilton, MA 01982 USA

Jay J. Johnson resides in America's northeast and travels widely across the North American continent. At Cornell University he studied both Art and Natural History, gaining an in-depth scientific knowledge of his wild subjects while at the same time learning the fundamentals of Traditional and Modern Art. Working today in his studio, Johnson follows the time-honored tradition of painting with oils on fine linen, capturing the movement, spirit, and realsim of American wildlife. His paintings have been exhibited in more than 30 museums nationwide, including "Artists of America," "Birds in Art," "Great American Artists," and the "Society of Animal Artists." He has also been invited to exhibit at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Many national magazines have featured articles about his paintings, such as American Artist, U.S.Art, Southwest Art, and Wildlife Art.





Preferred species:

I specialize in painting birds in flight. All species of birds from small to large.

Preferred geographic region:

Since I live in the United States, I most often paint birds of North America. Traveling brings me in contact with birds from other parts of the world.

Preferred use of earlier or new work:

See also:
electronic media:

published images:

Commonwealth Editions Books, "New England NatureWatch," 2003
Society of Animal Artists catalog, "Art and the Animal," 2003
Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum catalog, "Birds in Art," 2003
Southwest Art magazine, "Natural Connections," June 2001
U.S.Art magazine, "Call of the Wild," December 2001
Wildlife Art magazine, "Odyssey of Jay J. Johnson," 2000
American Artist magazine, "Painting a Wild Passion," 1999
North Light Books, "Best of Wildlife Art II," 1999
Rockport Books, "Wildlife Art," 1999
Denver Rotary catalog, "Artists of America," 1998
North Light Books, "Painting Birds," 1996
