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David Rankin


Natural Abstraction, "Painterly"



Preferred species:
All birds, but I love painting storks and cranes
Preferred geographic region:
All birds, but I have a special love for the birds of India
Preferred use of earlier or new work:

See also:
electronic media:

selected published images:

Cranes: Their Biology, Husbandry, and Conservation, Editors: David Ellis, George Gee and Claire Mirande, published by Dept. of the Interior, Nat'l Biological Service and the International Crane Foundation, 1996 - Cover Art

A Guide to the Cranes of India, Prakash Gole, published by the Bombay Natural History Society, 1996 - book illustrated by David Rankin

Birds in Art catalogs, 1990-91, 1993-94, 1996-2001, published by Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wisconsin

Art and the Animal catalogs, 1990-2004, published by the Society of Animal Artists, New York City.

More are listed on my web site: