Title: Ground Display of the Calandra Lark (Melanocorypha calandra)
Artist: Paschalis Dougalis(for
further information, click on the artist's name)
Image size: 20 x 30 cm
Media: gouache
Date: 2007
The artist notes: "In contrast to its well known aerial display, the ground display of the Calandra Lark, which inhabits open steppe-like places, and cultivated fields through-out Mediterranean, is not well documented. In Greece, in June of 2006, I was fortunate to observe and film this species, which is both the largest lark and the only representative of its family in Europe. The film was analysed, separating the behaviour into a series of stages, and
comparing them to Mauersberger's 1964 description, which was based on observations in Bulgaria. My drawing illustrates the results."
"The behaviour illustrated here is based on an analysis of video captures.
Similar sequences have been observed in Melanocorypha larks throughout the Western Palearctic."