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Bird Biology
Barbara Banthien

© 2006 Barbara Banthien ...Science Art-Birds

Title: Intersection
Species: Common Raven (Corvus corax)
Artist: Barbara Banthien (for further information, click on the artist's name)
Image size: 18" x 12 1/2 "
Media: acrylic
Date: 2006
Larkspur, CA

Ravens, members of the crow family, may be songless, but they are great communicators. The birds may be known for their hunting association with wolves in the wild, but are also at home in our neighborhoods, perching on our telephone lines.

These highly gregarious birds not only call to sound the alarm, scold, advertise, and emit comfort sounds, but some people think they are capable of mimicing the sounds of other animals or appropriating sounds that sound like those of others. They also emit non-vocal sounds that include wing whistling and bill snapping.
