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Images Produced by Registry Artists

Bird Biology
Derek Robertson

© Derek Robertson 2006/Science Art-Birds

Title: Where the Woodcock Dance
Species: European Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)
Artist: Derek Robertson (for further information, click on the artist's name)
Media: oil on linen
Date: 2006
Collection of Artist, Aberdeen, Scotland. (Painted in Scotland.)

The artist notes: "The painting depicts the unusual courtship dance of the European Woodcock. The male bird marks out a territory by "roding", which is a fast-winged flight around the boundaries of the territory, interspersed with a characteristic croaking call. This flight takes place at dusk and any receptive female bird in the territory will signal her interest by fanning out her tail as the male bird passes overhead. Her silver tail markings stand out against the camouflaged plumage in the half-light, and attract his attention. The courting male flies down and the strange dance commences. This display is rarely seen (I have only seen parts of it a dozen times, and the full sequence twice) and I had never seen it painted."
