Reports on Finches in 2001
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Diary of House Finches in southwestern Saskatchewan. Flood, Brenda; Flood, John.
Blue Jay; June 2001; v.59, no.2, p.85-86.
The interobserver reliability of scoring sonagrams by eye: A study on methods,
illustrated on zebra finch songs. Jones, Alexandra E.; Cate, Carel ten; Bijleveld,
Catrien C. J. H. Animal Behaviour; October 2001; v.62, no.4, p.791-801.
Observations from banding House Finches in the fall of 1995 at Regina, SK. Hjertaas,
Dale; Hjertaas, Paule. Blue Jay; June 2001; v.59, no.2, p.86-89.
Cowbird parasitism of House Finches at Guelph, Ontario. van Twest, Rohan. Ontario
Birds; April 2001; v.19, no.1, p.1-7.
House Finches are not just what they eat: A reply to Hill. Zahn, Sherie N.; Rothstein,
Stephen I. Auk; January 2001; v.118, no.1, p.260-266.
Pox and plumage coloration in the House Finch: A critique of Zahn & Rothstein.
Hill, Geoffrey E. Auk; January 2001; v.118, no.1, p.256-260.
Reduced social contact causes auditory perceptual deficits in zebra finches, Taeniopygia
guttata. Sturdy, Christopher B.; Phillmore, Leslie S.; Sartor, Jennifer J.; Weisman,
Ronald G. Animal Behaviour; December 2001; v.62, no.6, p.1207-1218.
Male mate choice and female fecundity in zebra finches. Jones, Katherine M.; Monaghan,
Pat; Nager, Ruedi G. Animal Behaviour; December 2001; v.62, no.6, p.1021-1026.
Choreography of song, dance and beak movements in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia
guttata). Williams, Heather. Journal of Experimental Biology; October 2001; v.204,
no.20, p.3497-3506.
The effects of the light environment on prey choice by zebra finches. Maddocks,
Sam A.; Church, Stuart C.; Cuthill, Innes C. Journal of Experimental Biology;
July 2001; v.204, no.14, p.2509-2515.
Exercise training lowers the resting metabolic rate of Zebra Finches, Taeniopygia
guttata. Nudds, R. L.; Bryant, D. M. Functional Ecology; August 2001; v.15, no.4,
Parental care in relation to brood size in the House Finch. Stoehr, Andrew M.;
McGraw, Kevin J.; Nolan, Paul M.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Journal of Field Ornithology;
Summer 2001; v.72, no.3, p.412-418.
Effects of humidity on reproductive behavior in male and female zebra finches
(Taeniopygia guttata). Cynx, Jeffrey. Journal of Comparative Psychology; June
2001; v.115, no.2, p.196-200.
Consistency and flexibility in the scrounging behaviour of zebra finches. Beauchamp,
G. Canadian Journal of Zoology; March 2001; v.79, no.3, p.540-544.
Partial lesions in the anterior forebrain pathway affect song production in adult
Bengalese finches. Kobayashi, Kohta; Uno, Hiroyuki; Okanoya, Kazuo. Neuroreport;
12 February 2001; v.12, no.2, p.353-358.
Temporal precision and temporal drift in brain and behavior of zebra finch song.
Chi, Zhiyi; Margoliash, Daniel. Neuron; December 6 2001; v.32, no.5, p.899-910.
A monoclonal antibody specific to a song system nuclear antigen in estrildine
finches. Akutagawa, Eugene; Konishi, Masakazu. Neuron; August 30 2001; v.31, no.4,
Dynamics of the vocal imitation process: How a zebra finch learns its song. Tchernichovski,
Ofer; Mitra, Partha P.; Lints, Thierry; Nottebohm, Fernando. Science (Washington
D C); 30 March 2001; v.291, no.5513, p.2564-2569.
Carotenoids in bird plumage: The complement of red pigments in the plumage of
wild and captive bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula). Stradi, R.; Pini, E.; Celentano,
G. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B Biochemistry & Molecular
Biology; March 2001; v.128B, no.3, p.529-535.
Reduction of female-directed song motifs induced by repeated singing in laboratory-bred
zebra finches. Botas, A.; Espino, G.; Rosenfield, D. B.; Helekar, S. A. Neuroscience
Letters; January 19 2001; v.297, no.3, p.203-206.
Body condition and immune response in wild zebra finches: Effects of capture,
confinement and captive-rearing. Ewenson, Erynne L.; Zann, Richard A.; Flannery,
Graham R. Naturwissenschaften; September 2001; v.88, no.9, p.391-394.
Heritability of morphological traits in Darwin's finches: Misidentified paternity
and maternal effects. Keller, Lukas F.; Grant, Peter R.; Grant, B. Rosemary; Petren,
Kenneth. Heredity; September 2001; v.87, no.3, p.325-336.
Do woodpecker finches acquire tool-use by social learning? Tebbich, Sabine; Taborsky,
Michael; Fessl, Birgit; Blomqvist, Donald. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological
Sciences Series B; 7 November 2001; v.268, no.1482, p.2189-2193.
The number of provisioning visits by House Finches predicts the mass of food delivered.
Nolan, Paul M.; Stoehr, Andrew M.; Hill, Geoffrey E.; McGraw, Kevin J. Condor;
November 2001; v.103, no.4, p.851-855.
High frequency of extra-pair paternity in Eastern Kingbirds. Rowe, Diane L.; Murphy,
Michael T.; Fleischer, Robert C.; Wolf, Paul G. Condor; November 2001; v.103,
no.4, p.845-851.
Quantitative assessment of vocal development in the zebra finch using self-organizing
neural networks. Janata, Petr. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; November
2001; v.110, no.5 Part 1, p.2593-2603.
Male bill colour and competition in zebra finches. Etman, Eric J.; Lelieveld,
Harm M.; ten Cate, Care.l Behavioural Processes; August 15 2001; v.55, no.2, p.119-124.
Perch selection by singing chaffinches: A better view of surroundings and the
risk of predation. Krams, Indrikis. Behavioral Ecology; May-June 2001; v.12, no.3,
The maintenance nitrogen requirement of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata. Allen,
L. Richard; Hume, Ian D. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology; May-June 2001;
v.74, no.3, p.366-375.
Producer-scrounger games in a spatially explicit world: Tactic use influences
flock geometry of spice finches. Flynn, Robyn E.; Giraldeau, Luc-Alain. Ethology;
March 2001; v.107, no.3, p.249-257.
Recapture rate and breeding frequencies of American Goldfinches wearing different
colored leg bands. Watt, Doris J. Journal of Field Ornithology; Spring 2001; v.72,
no.2, p.236-243.
Correlated evolution of morphology and vocal signal structure in Darwin's finches.
Podos, Jeffrey. Nature (London); 11 January 2001; v.409, no.6817, p.185-188.
Reduced social contact causes auditory perceptual deficits in zebra finches, Taeniopygia
guttata. Sturdy, Christopher B.; Phillmore, Leslie S.; Sartor, Jennifer J.; Weisman,
Ronald G. Animal Behaviour; December 2001; v.62, no.6, p.1207-1218.
Male mate choice and female fecundity in zebra finches. Jones, Katherine M.; Monaghan,
Pat; Nager, Ruedi G. Animal Behaviour; December 2001; v.62, no.6, p.1021-1026.
Choreography of song, dance and beak movements in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia
guttata). Williams, Heather. Journal of Experimental Biology; October 2001; v.204,
no.20, p.3497-3506.
Exercise training lowers the resting metabolic rate of Zebra Finches, Taeniopygia
guttata. Nudds, R. L.; Bryant, D. M. Functional Ecology; August 2001; v.15, no.4,
Parental care in relation to brood size in the House Finch. Stoehr, Andrew M.;
McGraw, Kevin J.; Nolan, Paul M.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Journal of Field Ornithology;
Summer 2001; v.72, no.3, p.412-418.
The effects of elevated testosterone on plumage hue in male House Finches. Stoehr,
Andrew M.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Journal of Avian Biology; June 2001; v.32, no.2,
The evolution of sexual size dimorphism in the house finch. III. Developmental
basis. Badyaev, Alexander V.; Whittingham, Linda A.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Evolution;
January 2001; v.55, no.1, p.176-189.
Differences in depredation by small predators limit the use of plasticine and
Zebra Finch eggs in artificial-nest studies. Maier, Thomas J.; Degraaf, Richard
M. Condor; February 2001; v.103, no.1, p.180-183.
Differences in depredation by small predators limit the use of plasticine and
Zebra Finch eggs in artificial-nest studies. Maier, Thomas J.; Degraaf, Richard
M. Condor; February 2001; v.103, no.1, p.180-183.
The decline of the Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula in Britain: Is the mechanism known?
Siriwardena, Gavin M.; Freeman, Stephen N.; Crick, Humphrey Q. P. Acta Ornithologica
(Warsaw); Winter 2001; v.36, no.2, p.143-152.
The breeding ecology of the Greenfinch Carduelis chloris in urban conditions (study
in Krotoszyn, W Poland). Kosinski, Ziemowit. Acta Ornithologica (Warsaw); Winter
2001; v.36, no.2, p.111-121.
Effects of urbanization on nest site selection and nesting success of the Greenfinch
Carduelis chloris in Krotoszyn, Poland. Kosinski, Ziemowit. Ornis Fennica; 2001;
v.78, no.4, p.175-183.
The evolution of sexual size dimorphism in the house finch. IV. Population divergence
in ontogeny. Badyaev, Alexander V.; Hill, Geoffrey E.; Whittingham, Linda A. Evolution;
December 2001; v.55, no.12, p.2534-2549.
A condition dependent link between testosterone and disease resistance in the
house finch. Duckworth, Renee A.; Mendonca, Mary T.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Proceedings
of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B; 7 December 2001; v.268, no.1484,
Influence of food and water availability on undirected singing and energetic status
in adult male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Rashotte, Michael E.; Sedunova,
Elena V.; Johnson, Frank; Pastukhov, Iu. F. Physiology & Behavior; November-December
2001; v.74, no.4-5, p.533-541.
The influence of carotenoid acquisition and utilization on the maintenance of
species-typical plumage pigmentation in male American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis)
and northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis). McGraw, Kevin J.; Hill, Geoffrey
E.; Stradi, Riccardo; Parker, Robert S. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology;
November-December 2001; v.74, no.6, p.843-852.
Carotenoid access and intraspecific variation in plumage pigmentation in male
American Goldfinches (Carduelis tristis) and Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis).
McGraw, K. J.; Hill, G. E. Functional Ecology; December 2001; v.15, no.6, p.732-739.
Phylogeography of crossbills, bullfinches, grosbeaks, and rose finches. Arnaiz-Villena,
A.; Guillen, J.; Ruiz-del-Valle, V.; Lowy, E.; Zamora, J.; Varela, P.; Stefani,
D.; Allende,L. M. CMLS Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences; July 2001; v.58,
no.8, p.1159-1166.
Development of song responses in the zebra finch caudomedial neostriatum: Role
of genomic and electrophysiological activities. Stripling, Roy; Kruse, Amy A.;
Clayton, David F. Journal of Neurobiology; September 2001; v.48, no.3, p.163-180.
Risks of decline and extinction of the endangered Amsterdam albatross and the
projected impact of long-line fisheries. Inchausti, Pablo; Weimerskirch, Henri.
Biological Conservation; August 2001; v.100, no.3, p.377-386.
Characterization of Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection in captive house finches
(Carpodacus mexicanus) in 1998. Roberts, Sharon R.; Nolan, Paul M.; Hill, Geoffrey
E. Avian Diseases; January-March 2001; v.45, no.1, p.70-75.
A hidden cost of reproduction: The trade-off between clutch size and escape take-off
speed in female zebra finches. Veasey, Jake S.; Houston, David C.; Metcalfe, Neil
B. Journal of Animal Ecology; January 2001; v.70, no.1, p.20-24.
The effects of low dietary calcium during egg-laying on eggshell formation and
skeletal calcium reserves in the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata. Reynolds, S.
James. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.205-215.
The effects of testosterone on a viral infection in greenfinches (Carduelis chloris):
An experimental test of the immunocompetence-handicap hypothesis. Lindstrom, Karin
M.; Krakower, Douglas; Lundstrom, Jan O.; Silverin, Bengt. Proceedings of the
Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B; 22 January 2001; v.268, no.1463, p.207-211.
Lesions of a telencephalic nucleus in male zebra finches: Influences on vocal
behavior in juveniles and adults. Foster, Elizabeth F.; Bottjer, Sarah W. Journal
of Neurobiology; February 5 2001; v.46, no.2, p.142-165.
Parental care in estrildid finches: Experimental tests of a model of Vidua brood
parasitism. Payne, Robert B.; Woods, Jean L.; Payne, Laura L. Animal Behaviour;
September 2001; v.62, no.3, p.473-483.
Dynamics of conjunctivitis and Mycoplasma gallisepticum infections in House Finches.
Hartup, Barry K.; Bickal, Jean M.; Dhondt, Andre A.; Ley, David H.; Kollias, George
V. Auk; April 2001; v.118, no.2, p.327-333.
Diagnosis and treatment of conjunctivitis in house finches associated with mycoplasmosis
in Minnesota. Wellehan, James F. X.; Zens, Mark S.; Calsamiglia, Maria; Fusco,
Paul J.; Amonsin, Alongkorn; Kapur, Vivek. Journal of Wildlife Diseases; April
2001; v.37, no.2, p.245-251.
Signaling individual identity versus quality: A model and case studies with ruffs,
queleas, and house finches. Dale, James; Lank, David B.; Reeve, Hudson Kern. American
Naturalist; July 2001; v.158, no.1, p.75-86.
Rapid upregulation of aromatase mRNA and protein following neural injury in the
zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Scott Peterson, R.; Saldanha, C. J.; Schlinger,
B. A. Journal of Neuroendocrinology; April 2001; v.13, no.4, p.317-323.
A single ancient origin of brood parasitism in African finches: Implications for
host-parasite coevolution. Sorenson, Michael D.; Payne, Robert B. Evolution; December
2001; v.55, no.12, p.2550-2567.
Seasonal use of savanna landscapes by the Gouldian finch, Erythrura gouldiae,
in the Yinberrie Hills area, Northern Territory. Dostine, P. L.; Johnson, G. C.;
Franklin, D. C.; Zhang, Y.; Hempel, C. Wildlife Research; 2001; v.28, no.4, p.445-458.
Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs foraging patterns, nestling survival and territory
distribution on lowland farmland. Whittingham, Mark J.; Bradbury, Richard B.;
Wilson, Jeremy D.; Morris, Antony J.; Perkins, Allan J.; Siriwardena, Gavin M.
Bird Study; November 2001; v.48, no.3, p.257-270.
Comparative Neurology; April 16 2001; v.432, no.4, p.481-511.
On the origin of Darwin's finches. Sato, Akie; Tichy, Herbert; O'hUigin, Colm;
Grant, Peter R.; Grant, B. Rosemary; Klein, Jan. Molecular Biology and Evolution;
March 2001; v.18, no.3, p.299-311.
Carotenoid pigments in male house finch plumage in relation to age, subspecies,
and ornamental coloration. Inouye, Caron Y.; Hill, Geoffrey E.; Stradi, Riccardo
D.; Montgomerie, Robert. Auk; October 2001; v.118, no.4, p.900-915.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum in house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) and other wild
birds associated with poultry production facilities. Luttrell, M. P.; Stallknecht,
D. E.; Kleven, S. H.; Kavanaugh, D. M.; Corn, J. L.; Fischer, J. R. Avian Diseases;
April-June 2001; v.45, no.2, p.321-329.
Encephalitis virus persistence in California birds: Preliminary studies with house
finches. Reisen, William K.; Kramer, Laura D.; Chiles, Robert E.; Green, Emily-Gene
N.; Martinez, Vincent M. Journal of Medical Entomology; May 2001; v.38, no.3,