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Sample of 3,600 bird-related research articles published in 2001


If you were to search the sample of 3,600 articles published in 2001 for species, or journals of interest, the scope of bird studies (which species are of prime interest, and which periodicals are reporting the results) would become apparent. Below are examples of such searches.

Searches on a few bird groups within the sample
(to illustrate coverage depth)
Searches on a few journals within the sample
(to illustrate coverage breadth)


Auk (major US avian research journal)
Ibis (major non-US avian research journal)
Nature (largest non-US circulation)
Science (largest US circulation)

Reports on Finches in 2001

(Search: inch)

Diary of House Finches in southwestern Saskatchewan. Flood, Brenda; Flood, John. Blue Jay; June 2001; v.59, no.2, p.85-86.

The interobserver reliability of scoring sonagrams by eye: A study on methods, illustrated on zebra finch songs. Jones, Alexandra E.; Cate, Carel ten; Bijleveld, Catrien C. J. H. Animal Behaviour; October 2001; v.62, no.4, p.791-801.

Observations from banding House Finches in the fall of 1995 at Regina, SK. Hjertaas, Dale; Hjertaas, Paule. Blue Jay; June 2001; v.59, no.2, p.86-89.

Cowbird parasitism of House Finches at Guelph, Ontario. van Twest, Rohan. Ontario Birds; April 2001; v.19, no.1, p.1-7.

House Finches are not just what they eat: A reply to Hill. Zahn, Sherie N.; Rothstein, Stephen I. Auk; January 2001; v.118, no.1, p.260-266.

Pox and plumage coloration in the House Finch: A critique of Zahn & Rothstein. Hill, Geoffrey E. Auk; January 2001; v.118, no.1, p.256-260.

Reduced social contact causes auditory perceptual deficits in zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. Sturdy, Christopher B.; Phillmore, Leslie S.; Sartor, Jennifer J.; Weisman, Ronald G. Animal Behaviour; December 2001; v.62, no.6, p.1207-1218.

Male mate choice and female fecundity in zebra finches. Jones, Katherine M.; Monaghan, Pat; Nager, Ruedi G. Animal Behaviour; December 2001; v.62, no.6, p.1021-1026.

Choreography of song, dance and beak movements in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Williams, Heather. Journal of Experimental Biology; October 2001; v.204, no.20, p.3497-3506.

The effects of the light environment on prey choice by zebra finches. Maddocks, Sam A.; Church, Stuart C.; Cuthill, Innes C. Journal of Experimental Biology; July 2001; v.204, no.14, p.2509-2515.

Exercise training lowers the resting metabolic rate of Zebra Finches, Taeniopygia guttata. Nudds, R. L.; Bryant, D. M. Functional Ecology; August 2001; v.15, no.4, p.458-464.

Parental care in relation to brood size in the House Finch. Stoehr, Andrew M.; McGraw, Kevin J.; Nolan, Paul M.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Journal of Field Ornithology; Summer 2001; v.72, no.3, p.412-418.

Effects of humidity on reproductive behavior in male and female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Cynx, Jeffrey. Journal of Comparative Psychology; June 2001; v.115, no.2, p.196-200.

Consistency and flexibility in the scrounging behaviour of zebra finches. Beauchamp, G. Canadian Journal of Zoology; March 2001; v.79, no.3, p.540-544.

Partial lesions in the anterior forebrain pathway affect song production in adult Bengalese finches. Kobayashi, Kohta; Uno, Hiroyuki; Okanoya, Kazuo. Neuroreport; 12 February 2001; v.12, no.2, p.353-358.

Temporal precision and temporal drift in brain and behavior of zebra finch song. Chi, Zhiyi; Margoliash, Daniel. Neuron; December 6 2001; v.32, no.5, p.899-910.

A monoclonal antibody specific to a song system nuclear antigen in estrildine finches. Akutagawa, Eugene; Konishi, Masakazu. Neuron; August 30 2001; v.31, no.4, p.545-556.

Dynamics of the vocal imitation process: How a zebra finch learns its song. Tchernichovski, Ofer; Mitra, Partha P.; Lints, Thierry; Nottebohm, Fernando. Science (Washington D C); 30 March 2001; v.291, no.5513, p.2564-2569.

Carotenoids in bird plumage: The complement of red pigments in the plumage of wild and captive bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula). Stradi, R.; Pini, E.; Celentano, G. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; March 2001; v.128B, no.3, p.529-535.

Reduction of female-directed song motifs induced by repeated singing in laboratory-bred zebra finches. Botas, A.; Espino, G.; Rosenfield, D. B.; Helekar, S. A. Neuroscience Letters; January 19 2001; v.297, no.3, p.203-206.

Body condition and immune response in wild zebra finches: Effects of capture, confinement and captive-rearing. Ewenson, Erynne L.; Zann, Richard A.; Flannery, Graham R. Naturwissenschaften; September 2001; v.88, no.9, p.391-394.

Heritability of morphological traits in Darwin's finches: Misidentified paternity and maternal effects. Keller, Lukas F.; Grant, Peter R.; Grant, B. Rosemary; Petren, Kenneth. Heredity; September 2001; v.87, no.3, p.325-336.

Do woodpecker finches acquire tool-use by social learning? Tebbich, Sabine; Taborsky, Michael; Fessl, Birgit; Blomqvist, Donald. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B; 7 November 2001; v.268, no.1482, p.2189-2193.

The number of provisioning visits by House Finches predicts the mass of food delivered. Nolan, Paul M.; Stoehr, Andrew M.; Hill, Geoffrey E.; McGraw, Kevin J. Condor; November 2001; v.103, no.4, p.851-855.

High frequency of extra-pair paternity in Eastern Kingbirds. Rowe, Diane L.; Murphy, Michael T.; Fleischer, Robert C.; Wolf, Paul G. Condor; November 2001; v.103, no.4, p.845-851.

Quantitative assessment of vocal development in the zebra finch using self-organizing neural networks. Janata, Petr. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; November 2001; v.110, no.5 Part 1, p.2593-2603.

Male bill colour and competition in zebra finches. Etman, Eric J.; Lelieveld, Harm M.; ten Cate, Care.l Behavioural Processes; August 15 2001; v.55, no.2, p.119-124.

Perch selection by singing chaffinches: A better view of surroundings and the risk of predation. Krams, Indrikis. Behavioral Ecology; May-June 2001; v.12, no.3, p.295-300.

The maintenance nitrogen requirement of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata. Allen, L. Richard; Hume, Ian D. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology; May-June 2001; v.74, no.3, p.366-375.

Producer-scrounger games in a spatially explicit world: Tactic use influences flock geometry of spice finches. Flynn, Robyn E.; Giraldeau, Luc-Alain. Ethology; March 2001; v.107, no.3, p.249-257.

Recapture rate and breeding frequencies of American Goldfinches wearing different colored leg bands. Watt, Doris J. Journal of Field Ornithology; Spring 2001; v.72, no.2, p.236-243.

Correlated evolution of morphology and vocal signal structure in Darwin's finches. Podos, Jeffrey. Nature (London); 11 January 2001; v.409, no.6817, p.185-188.

Reduced social contact causes auditory perceptual deficits in zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. Sturdy, Christopher B.; Phillmore, Leslie S.; Sartor, Jennifer J.; Weisman, Ronald G. Animal Behaviour; December 2001; v.62, no.6, p.1207-1218.

Male mate choice and female fecundity in zebra finches. Jones, Katherine M.; Monaghan, Pat; Nager, Ruedi G. Animal Behaviour; December 2001; v.62, no.6, p.1021-1026.

Choreography of song, dance and beak movements in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Williams, Heather. Journal of Experimental Biology; October 2001; v.204, no.20, p.3497-3506.

Exercise training lowers the resting metabolic rate of Zebra Finches, Taeniopygia guttata. Nudds, R. L.; Bryant, D. M. Functional Ecology; August 2001; v.15, no.4, p.458-464.

Parental care in relation to brood size in the House Finch. Stoehr, Andrew M.; McGraw, Kevin J.; Nolan, Paul M.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Journal of Field Ornithology; Summer 2001; v.72, no.3, p.412-418.

The effects of elevated testosterone on plumage hue in male House Finches. Stoehr, Andrew M.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Journal of Avian Biology; June 2001; v.32, no.2, p.153-158.

The evolution of sexual size dimorphism in the house finch. III. Developmental basis. Badyaev, Alexander V.; Whittingham, Linda A.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Evolution; January 2001; v.55, no.1, p.176-189.

Differences in depredation by small predators limit the use of plasticine and Zebra Finch eggs in artificial-nest studies. Maier, Thomas J.; Degraaf, Richard M. Condor; February 2001; v.103, no.1, p.180-183.

Differences in depredation by small predators limit the use of plasticine and Zebra Finch eggs in artificial-nest studies. Maier, Thomas J.; Degraaf, Richard M. Condor; February 2001; v.103, no.1, p.180-183.

The decline of the Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula in Britain: Is the mechanism known? Siriwardena, Gavin M.; Freeman, Stephen N.; Crick, Humphrey Q. P. Acta Ornithologica (Warsaw); Winter 2001; v.36, no.2, p.143-152.

The breeding ecology of the Greenfinch Carduelis chloris in urban conditions (study in Krotoszyn, W Poland). Kosinski, Ziemowit. Acta Ornithologica (Warsaw); Winter 2001; v.36, no.2, p.111-121.

Effects of urbanization on nest site selection and nesting success of the Greenfinch Carduelis chloris in Krotoszyn, Poland. Kosinski, Ziemowit. Ornis Fennica; 2001; v.78, no.4, p.175-183.

The evolution of sexual size dimorphism in the house finch. IV. Population divergence in ontogeny. Badyaev, Alexander V.; Hill, Geoffrey E.; Whittingham, Linda A. Evolution; December 2001; v.55, no.12, p.2534-2549.

A condition dependent link between testosterone and disease resistance in the house finch. Duckworth, Renee A.; Mendonca, Mary T.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B; 7 December 2001; v.268, no.1484, p.2467-2472.

Influence of food and water availability on undirected singing and energetic status in adult male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Rashotte, Michael E.; Sedunova, Elena V.; Johnson, Frank; Pastukhov, Iu. F. Physiology & Behavior; November-December 2001; v.74, no.4-5, p.533-541.

The influence of carotenoid acquisition and utilization on the maintenance of species-typical plumage pigmentation in male American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis) and northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis). McGraw, Kevin J.; Hill, Geoffrey E.; Stradi, Riccardo; Parker, Robert S. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology; November-December 2001; v.74, no.6, p.843-852.

Carotenoid access and intraspecific variation in plumage pigmentation in male American Goldfinches (Carduelis tristis) and Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis). McGraw, K. J.; Hill, G. E. Functional Ecology; December 2001; v.15, no.6, p.732-739.

Phylogeography of crossbills, bullfinches, grosbeaks, and rose finches. Arnaiz-Villena, A.; Guillen, J.; Ruiz-del-Valle, V.; Lowy, E.; Zamora, J.; Varela, P.; Stefani, D.; Allende,L. M. CMLS Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences; July 2001; v.58, no.8, p.1159-1166.

Development of song responses in the zebra finch caudomedial neostriatum: Role of genomic and electrophysiological activities. Stripling, Roy; Kruse, Amy A.; Clayton, David F. Journal of Neurobiology; September 2001; v.48, no.3, p.163-180.

Risks of decline and extinction of the endangered Amsterdam albatross and the projected impact of long-line fisheries. Inchausti, Pablo; Weimerskirch, Henri. Biological Conservation; August 2001; v.100, no.3, p.377-386.

Characterization of Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection in captive house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) in 1998. Roberts, Sharon R.; Nolan, Paul M.; Hill, Geoffrey E. Avian Diseases; January-March 2001; v.45, no.1, p.70-75.

A hidden cost of reproduction: The trade-off between clutch size and escape take-off speed in female zebra finches. Veasey, Jake S.; Houston, David C.; Metcalfe, Neil B. Journal of Animal Ecology; January 2001; v.70, no.1, p.20-24.

The effects of low dietary calcium during egg-laying on eggshell formation and skeletal calcium reserves in the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata. Reynolds, S. James. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.205-215.

The effects of testosterone on a viral infection in greenfinches (Carduelis chloris): An experimental test of the immunocompetence-handicap hypothesis. Lindstrom, Karin M.; Krakower, Douglas; Lundstrom, Jan O.; Silverin, Bengt. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B; 22 January 2001; v.268, no.1463, p.207-211.

Lesions of a telencephalic nucleus in male zebra finches: Influences on vocal behavior in juveniles and adults. Foster, Elizabeth F.; Bottjer, Sarah W. Journal of Neurobiology; February 5 2001; v.46, no.2, p.142-165.

Parental care in estrildid finches: Experimental tests of a model of Vidua brood parasitism. Payne, Robert B.; Woods, Jean L.; Payne, Laura L. Animal Behaviour; September 2001; v.62, no.3, p.473-483.

Dynamics of conjunctivitis and Mycoplasma gallisepticum infections in House Finches. Hartup, Barry K.; Bickal, Jean M.; Dhondt, Andre A.; Ley, David H.; Kollias, George V. Auk; April 2001; v.118, no.2, p.327-333.

Diagnosis and treatment of conjunctivitis in house finches associated with mycoplasmosis in Minnesota. Wellehan, James F. X.; Zens, Mark S.; Calsamiglia, Maria; Fusco, Paul J.; Amonsin, Alongkorn; Kapur, Vivek. Journal of Wildlife Diseases; April 2001; v.37, no.2, p.245-251.

Signaling individual identity versus quality: A model and case studies with ruffs, queleas, and house finches. Dale, James; Lank, David B.; Reeve, Hudson Kern. American Naturalist; July 2001; v.158, no.1, p.75-86.

Rapid upregulation of aromatase mRNA and protein following neural injury in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Scott Peterson, R.; Saldanha, C. J.; Schlinger, B. A. Journal of Neuroendocrinology; April 2001; v.13, no.4, p.317-323.

A single ancient origin of brood parasitism in African finches: Implications for host-parasite coevolution. Sorenson, Michael D.; Payne, Robert B. Evolution; December 2001; v.55, no.12, p.2550-2567.

Seasonal use of savanna landscapes by the Gouldian finch, Erythrura gouldiae, in the Yinberrie Hills area, Northern Territory. Dostine, P. L.; Johnson, G. C.; Franklin, D. C.; Zhang, Y.; Hempel, C. Wildlife Research; 2001; v.28, no.4, p.445-458.

Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs foraging patterns, nestling survival and territory distribution on lowland farmland. Whittingham, Mark J.; Bradbury, Richard B.; Wilson, Jeremy D.; Morris, Antony J.; Perkins, Allan J.; Siriwardena, Gavin M. Bird Study; November 2001; v.48, no.3, p.257-270.

Comparative Neurology; April 16 2001; v.432, no.4, p.481-511.

On the origin of Darwin's finches. Sato, Akie; Tichy, Herbert; O'hUigin, Colm; Grant, Peter R.; Grant, B. Rosemary; Klein, Jan. Molecular Biology and Evolution; March 2001; v.18, no.3, p.299-311.

Carotenoid pigments in male house finch plumage in relation to age, subspecies, and ornamental coloration. Inouye, Caron Y.; Hill, Geoffrey E.; Stradi, Riccardo D.; Montgomerie, Robert. Auk; October 2001; v.118, no.4, p.900-915.

Mycoplasma gallisepticum in house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) and other wild birds associated with poultry production facilities. Luttrell, M. P.; Stallknecht, D. E.; Kleven, S. H.; Kavanaugh, D. M.; Corn, J. L.; Fischer, J. R. Avian Diseases; April-June 2001; v.45, no.2, p.321-329.

Encephalitis virus persistence in California birds: Preliminary studies with house finches. Reisen, William K.; Kramer, Laura D.; Chiles, Robert E.; Green, Emily-Gene N.; Martinez, Vincent M. Journal of Medical Entomology; May 2001; v.38, no.3, p.393-399.