Bird-related reports in Ibisin 2001.
comparative analysis of the breeding biology of the red-billed Chough
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and the Alpine Chough P. graculus coexisting
in the Alps. Laiolo, Paola; Rolando, Antonio. Ibis; January 2001; v.143,
no.1, p.33-40.
A new bird species? The taxonomic status of 'the Atlas Flycatcher' assessed
from DNA sequence analysis. Saetre, Glenn-Peter; Borge, Thomas; Moum,
Truls. Ibis; July 2001; v.143, no.3, p.494-497.
A new genus for the Andean Green Pihas (Cotingidae). Prum, Richard O.
Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.307-309.
A new species of Piha (Cotingidae: Lipaugus) from the Cordillera Central
of Colombia. Cuervo, Andres M.; Salaman, Paul G. W.; Donegan, Thomas
M.; Ochoa, Jose M. Ibis; July 2001; v.143, no.3, p.353-368.
Age-related reproductive success in dichromatic male Black Redstarts
Phoenicurus ochruros: Why are yearlings handicapped? Weggler, Martin.
Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.264-272.
Aggressive behaviours and correlates of dominance in Purple Sandpipers
Calidris maritima at a communal winter roost. Burton, Niall H. K.; Evans,
Peter R. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.248-254.
An updated list and some comments on the occurrence of intraspecific
nest parasitism in birds. Yom-Tov, Yoram. Ibis; January 2001; v.143,
no.1, p.133-143.
Annual and seasonal reproductive trends in the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Dendrocopos minor. Wiktander, Ulf; Olsson, Ola; Nilsson, Sven G. Ibis;
January 2001; v.143, no.1, p.72-82.
Annual survival rates of adult Red-necked Nightjars Caprimulgus ruficollis.
Forero, Manuela G.; Tella, Jose L.; Oro, Daniel. Ibis; April 2001; v.143,
no.2, p.273-277.
Associations among Antarctic seabirds in mixed-species feeding flocks.
Silverman, Emily D.; Veit, Richard R. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1,
Associations of Crested Guineafowl Guttera pucherani and monkeys in
Kibale National Park, Uganda. Seavy, Nathaniel E.; Apodaca, Christine
K.; Balcomb, Sophia R. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.310-312.
Autumn migration of raptors on Java, Indonesia: Composition, direction
and behaviour. Nijman, Vincent. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1, p.99-106.
Blood parasites of birds: A plea for more cautious terminology. Cooper,
John E.; Anwar, M. Ali. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1, p.149-150.
Body condition, growth rates and diet of Skylark Alauda arvensis nestlings
on lowland farmland. Donald, Paul F.; Muirhead, Lys B.; Buckingham,
David L.; Evans, Andrew D.; Kirby, Will B.; Gruar, Derek J. Ibis; October
2001; v.143, no.4, p.658-669.
Breeding season responses of Skylarks Alauda arvensis to vegetation
structure in set-aside (fallow arable land). Henderson, Ian G.; Critchley,
Nigel R.; Cooper, Jon; Fowbert, John A. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2,
Changes in clutch size, brood size and numbers of nesting Squacco Herons
Ardeola ralloides over a 32-year period in the Camargue, southern France.
Hafner, Heinz; Bennetts, Robert E.; Kayser, Yves. Ibis; January 2001;
v.143, no.1, p.11-16.
Comparative breeding ecology and hybridization of Eastern and Western
Marsh Harriers Circus spilonotus and C. aeruginosus in the Baikal region
of Eastern Siberia. Fefelov, Igor V. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4,
Cryptic species in the genus Phylloscopus (Old World leaf warblers).
Irwin, Darren E.; Alstrom, Per; Olsson, Urban; Benowitz-Fredericks,
Z. M. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.233-247.
Density-dependent habitat selection of corridors in a fragmented landscape.
Fernandez-Juricic, Esteban. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.278-287.
Detection of a new important staging and wintering area of the White
Stork Ciconia ciconia by satellite tracking. Berthold, Peter; van den
Bossche, Willem; Fiedler, Wolfgang; Kaatz, Christoph; Kaatz, Michael;
Leshem, Yossi; Nowak, Eugeniusz; Querner, Ulrich. Ibis; July 2001; v.143,
no.3, p.450-455.
Diagnosing the environmental causes of the decline in Grey Partridge
Perdix perdix survival in France. Bro, Elisabeth; Reitz, Francois; Clobert,
Jean; Migot, Pierre; Massot, Manuel. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1,
Divorce and its consequences in the Common Blackbird Turdus merula.
Streif, Michael; Rasa, O. Anne E. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.554-560.
Do fledgling and pre-breeding Common Swifts Apus apus take part in aerial
roosting? An answer from a radiotracking experiment. Tarburton, Michael
K.; Kaiser, Erich. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.255-263.
Does density-dependent mortality occur in wintering Eurasian Oystercatchers
Haematopus ostralegus and breeding adult Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa
tridactyla? Coulson, John C. Ibis; July 2001; v.143, no.3, p.500-502.
Ecogeographic correlates of morphometric variation in the Red-billed
Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and the Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus.
Laiolo, Paola; Rolando, Antonio. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.602-616.
Effects of age, cohort and individual on breeding performance in the
Lapwing Vanellus vanellus. Parish, David M. B.; Thompson, Patrick S.;
Coulson, John C. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.288-295.
Energy metabolizability and nutrient digestibility in the Black-billed
Magpie Pica pica. Harper, E. Jean; Clark, Colette; Macdonald, David
W. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.216-221.
Estimation and limitation of numbers of floaters in a Eurasian Sparrowhawk
population. Newton, Ian; Rothery, Peter. Ibis; July 2001; v.143, no.3,
Extrapair paternity in the Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae. Pilastro,
Andrea; Pezzo, Francesco; Olmastroni, Silvia; Callegarin, Claudia; Corsolini,
Simonetta; Focardi, Silvano. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.681-684.
Flight characteristics of birds: I. Radar measurements of speeds. Bruderer,
Bruno; Boldt, Andreas. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.178-204.
Food provision to nestlings in the Hoopoe Upupa epops: implications
for the conservation of a small endangered population in the Swiss Alps.
Fournier, Jerome; Arlettaz, Raphael. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1,
Foraging behaviour and feeding locations of Rock Shags Phalacrocorax
magellanicus from a colony in Patagonia, Argentina. Quintana, Flavio.
Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.547-553.
Foraging behaviour and time allocation of chick-rearing Razorbills Alca
torda at Graesholmen, central Baltic Sea. Benvenuti, Silvano; Dall'Antonia,
Luigi; Lyngs, Peter. Ibis; July 2001; v.143, no.3, p.402-412.
Habitat requirements of the Socorro Mockingbird Mimodes graysoni. Martinez-Gomez,
Juan E.; Flores-Palacios, Alejandro; Curry, Robert L. Ibis; July 2001;
v.143, no.3, p.456-467.
Habitat selection in a recovering Osprey Pandion haliaetus population.
Lohmus, Asko. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.651-657.
How well do predation rates on artificial nests estimate predation on
natural passerine nests? Weidinger, Karel. Ibis; October 2001; v.143,
no.4, p.632-641.
Intraclutch egg-size variation and offspring survival in the Kentish
Plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Amat, Juan A.; Fraga, Rosendo M.; Arroyo,
Gonzalo M. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1, p.17-23.
Islands in a desert: Breeding ecology of the African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus
baeticatus in Namibia. Eising, Corine M.; Komdeur, Jan; Buys, Jan; Reemer,
Menno; Richardson, David S. Ibis; July 2001; v.143, no.3, p.482-493.
Juvenile sex ratio in relation to breeding success in Capercaillie Tetrao
urogallus and Black Grouse T. tetrix. Hornfeldt, Birger; Hipkiss, Tim;
Eklund, Ulf. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.627-631.
Kelp Gulls avoid siphonariid limpets because of repugnant mucus. Davenport,
John. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.304-306.
Landscape variables affect the density of Sharpe's Longclaw Macronyx
sharpei, a montane grassland specialist. Lens, Luc; Bennun, Leon A.;
Duchateau, Luc. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.674-676.
Low flock coherence in mild winters leads to a lack of subordination
costs in Bridled Titmouse foraging groups. Christman, Beth J. Ibis;
October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.617-626.
Low reproductive rates in two Parus species in southern Africa. Wiggins,
David A. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.677-680.
Mate guarding versus territorial defence in the Common Blackbird. Creighton,
Emma. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.322-326.
Mixed-species bird flocks in dipterocarp forest of north-central Burma
(Myanmar). King, David I.; Rappole, John H. Ibis; July 2001; v.143,
no.3, p.380-390.
Nectar consumption of warblers after long-distance flights during spring
migration. Schwilch, Regine; Mantovani, Rosita; Spina, Fernando; Jenni,
Lukas. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1, p.24-32.
Nestling obesity in shearwaters: A comment on Hamer et al. (2000). Gaston,
Anthony J. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.685-687.
Nestling obesity in shearwaters: A reply to Gaston (2001). Hamer, Keith
C. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.686-687.
Nest-site habitat selected by Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus in
Dadia forest (northeastern Greece). Bakaloudis, Dimitris E.; Vlachos,
Christos; Papageorgiou, Nikolaos; Holloway, Graham J. Ibis; July 2001;
v.143, no.3, p.391-401.
New specimens of the Middle Eocene fossil mousebird Selmes absurdipes
Peters 1999. Mayr, Gerald. Ibis; July 2001; v.143, no.3, p.427-434.
Recognition of individual European Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus from
their song. Rebbeck, M.; Corrick, R.; Eaglestone, B.; Stainton, C. Ibis;
July 2001; v.143, no.3, p.468-475.
Seasonal change in Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio territory quality:
The role of nest predation. Soderstrom, Bo. Ibis; October 2001; v.143,
no.4, p.561-571.
Seasonal declines in incubation periods of Brunnich's Guillemots Uria
lomvia: Testing proximate causes. Hipfner, J. Mark; Gaston, Anthony
J.; Martin, Debbie L.; Jones, Ian L. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1,
Seasonal variation in reproductive measures of tropical Roseate Terns
Sterna dougallii: Previously undescribed breeding patterns in a seabird.
Ramos, Jaime A. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1, p.83-91.
Seeing without being seen: A removal experiment with mixed flocks of
Willow and Crested Tits Parus montanus and cristatus. Krams, Indrikis.
Ibis; July 2001; v.143, no.3, p.476-481.
Sex, diet and feeding method-related differences in body condition in
the Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. Le V. Dit Durell, Sarah E.
A.; Goss-Custard, John D.; Caldow, Richard W. G.; Malcolm, Heath M.;
Osborn, Daniel. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1, p.107-119.
Sex roles, parental effort and offspring desertion in the monogamous
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata. Currie, Dave; Valkama, Jari; Berg,
Ake; Boschert, Martin; Norrdahl, Kai; Hanninen, Mikko; Korpimaki, Erkki;
Poyri, Ville; Hemminki, Ossi. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.642-650.
Significance of the White Sea as a stopover for Bewick's Swans Cygnus
columbianus bewickii in spring. Nolet, Bart A.; Andreev, Valery A.;
Clausen, Preben; Poot, Martin J. M.; Wessel, Erik G. J. Ibis; January
2001; v.143, no.1, p.63-71.
Spatial patterns of range contraction in British breeding birds. Donald,
Paul F.; Greenwood, Jeremy J. D. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.593-601.
Species richness estimation of bird communities: How to control for
sampling effort? Walther, Bruno A.; Martin, Jean-Louis. Ibis; July 2001;
v.143, no.3, p.413-419.
Strigiformes from the Neogene of Spain. Sanchez-Marco, Antonio. Ibis;
April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.313-316.
Survival analysis of Little Penguin Eudyptula minor chicks on Motuara
Island, New Zealand. Renner, Martin; Davis, Lloyd S. Ibis; July 2001;
v.143, no.3, p.369-379.
Survival, ranging, habitat choice and diet of the Northern Goshawk Accipiter
gentilis during winter in Northern Finland. Tornberg, Risto; Colpaert,
Alfred. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1, p.41-50.
Taxonomic status of the Namibian Violet Woodhoopoe Phoeniculus damarensis
as determined by mitochondrial DNA. M.I. Cooper, M. Cunningham &
M.I. Cherry. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.572-579.
The effect of weather and density-dependence on Oystercatcher Haematopus
ostralegus winter mortality. Durell, Sarah E. A. Le V. Dit; Goss-Custard,
John D.; Stillman, Richard A.; West, Andrew D. Ibis; July 2001; v.143,
no.3, p.498-499.
The effects of low dietary calcium during egg-laying on eggshell formation
and skeletal calcium reserves in the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata.
Reynolds, S. James. Ibis; April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.205-215.
The elastic properties of wing and contour feather keratin from the
Ostrich Struthio camelus. Bonser, Richard H. C. Ibis; January 2001;
v.143, no.1, p.144-145.
The haematozoan parasites of Common Blackbirds Turdus merula: Associations
with host condition. Hatchwell, Ben J.; Wood, Matt J.; Anwar, M. Ali;
Chamberlain, Dan E.; Perrins, Christopher M. Ibis; July 2001; v.143,
no.3, p.420-426.
The King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus, a non-nesting bird which selects
its breeding habitat. Bried, Joel; Jouventin, Pierre. Ibis; October
2001; v.143, no.4, p.670-673.
The phylogenetic status of the Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra based
on mitochondrial control-region DNA sequences. Lee, Patricia L. M.;
Richardson, Lynne J.; Bradbury, Richard B. Ibis; April 2001; v.143,
no.2, p.299-303.
The survival rate of Lanyu Scops Owls Otus elegans botelensis. Severinghaus,
Lucia Liu; Rothery, Peter. Ibis; October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.540-546.
The timing and duration of moult in adult Starlings Sturnus vulgaris
in east-central England. Rothery, Peter; Wyllie, Ian; Newton, Ian; Dawson,
Alistair; Osborn, Dan. Ibis; July 2001; v.143, no.3, p.435-441.
The utilization of heather moorland by territorial Red Grouse Lagopus
lagopus scoticus. Palmer, S. C. F.; Bacon, P. J. Ibis; April 2001; v.143,
no.2, p.222-232.
Using higher taxa to estimate species richness: Birds on New Zealand
islands. Hodge, Simon; Frampton, Chris. Ibis; January 2001; v.143, no.1,
What does 'fledging' mean? Middleton, Alex L. A.; Prigoda, Elena. Ibis;
April 2001; v.143, no.2, p.296-298.
Wing moult in relation to autumn migration in adult Common Whitethroats
Sylvia communis communis. Hall, K. Susanna S.; Fransson, Thord. Ibis;
October 2001; v.143, no.4, p.580-586. |