Bird-related reports in Sciencein 2001.
as indicators of early tertiary "out-of-India" dispersal
of vertebrates. Bossuyt, Franky; Milinkovitch, Michel C. Science;
2001; v.292 p.93-95.
Arctic life, on thin ice. Krajick, Kevin. Science; 2001; v.291
p.424-425. (in News Focus).
Auditory spatial receptive fields created by multiplication. Pena,
Jose Luis; Konishi, Masakazu. Science; 2001; v.292 p.249-252.
Caribbean catastrophes. Brooks, Thomas; Smith, Michael Leonard.
Science; vol. 294 p.1469-1471. (in Perspectives)
Complex species interactions and the dynamics of ecological systems:
Long-term experiments. Brown, James H.; Whitham, Thomas G.; Ernest,
S. K. Morgan; Gehring, Catherine A. Science ; v.293 p.643-650.
(in Review)
Conservation conflicts across Africa. Balmford, Andrew; Moore,
Joslin L.; Brooks, Thomas; Burgess, Neil; Hansen, Louis A.; Williams,
Paul; Rahbek, Carsten. Science; 2001; v.291 p.2616-2619.
Dividing up the kids. Koenig, Walter D.; Haydock, Joseph. Science;
2001; v.291 p.442-443. (in Perspectives).
Dynamics of the vocal imitation process: How a Zebra Finch learns
its song. Tchernichovski, Ofer; Mitra, Partha P.; Linst, Thierry;
Nottebohm, Fernando. Science; 2001; v.291 p.2564-2569.
Energetic and fitness costs of mismatching resource supply and
demand in seasonally breeding birds. Thomas, Donald W.; Blondel,
Jacques; Perret, Philippe; Lambrechts, Marcel M.; Speakman, John
R. Science; 2001; v.291 p.2598-2600.
Fecundity-survival trade-offs and parental risk-taking in birds.
Ghalambor, Cameron K.; Martin, Thomas E. Science; 2001; v.292
High CO2 levels may give fast-growing trees an edge. Tangley,
Laura. Science; 2001; v.292 p.36-37. (in News Focus).
Migration along orthodromic sun compass routes by arctic birds.
Alerstam, Thomas; Gudmundsson, Gudmundur A.; Green, Martin; Hedenström,
Anders. Science; 2001; v.291 p.300-303.
macroecology. Bell, Graham. Science ; v.293 p.2413-2418. (in Review)
New ages for the last Australian megafauna: continent-wide extinction
about 46,000 years ago. Roberts, Richard G.; Flannery, Timothy
F.; Ayliffe, Linda K.; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Olley, Jon M.; Prideaux,
Gavin J.; Laslett, Geoff M.; Baynes, Alexander; Smith, M. A.;
Jones, Rhys; Smith, Barton L. Science; 2001; v.292 p.1888-1892.
diversity dynamics of the Lesser Antillean avifauna Ricklefs,
Robert E. Bermingham, Eldredge. Science; 2001; v. 294 p.1522-1524.
position in dinosaurs and other vertebrates and its significance
for nasal function. Witmer, Lawrence M. Science; v. 293 p.850-853.
Responses to a warming world. Peñuelas, Josep; Filella,
Iolanda. Science; v.294 p.793-795. (in Perspectives)
The music of nature and the nature of music. Gray, Patricia M.;
Krause, Bernie; Atema, Jelle; Payne, Roger; Krumhansl, Carol;
Baptista, Luis. Science; 2001; v.291 p.52-54.
The song does not remain the same. Margoliash, Daniel. Science;
2001; v.291 p.2559-2561.
The origin and control of pandemic influenza. Laver, Graeme; Garman,
Elspeth. Science ; v.293 p.1776-1777. (in Perspectives)
Variation in food supply, time of breeding, and energy expenditure
in bird. Verhulst, Simon; Tinbergen, Joost M.; Thomas, Donald
W.; Blondel, Jacques ; Perret, Philippe; Lambrechts, Marcel M.;
Speakman, John R. Science; v.294 p. 471 (in Technical Comments)