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Nest-density distribution patterns in a yellow-legged gull archipelago
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Neural processing: The logic of multiplication in single neurons.
Neural sarcocystosis in a straw-necked ibis (Carphibis spinicollis)
associated with a Sarcocystis neurona-like organism and description
of muscular sarcocysts of an unidentified Sarcocystis species. Dubey,
J. P.; Johnson, G. C.; Bermudez, A.; Suedmeyer, K. W.; Fritz, D. L.
Journal of Parasitology; December 2001; v.87, no.6, p.1317-1322.
Neuromuscular and endocrine control of an avian courtship behavior.
Schlinger, Barney A.; Schultz, J. Douglas; Hertel, Fritz. Hormones
and Behavior; September 2001; v.40, no.2, p.276-280.
Neuromuscular and endocrine control of an avian courtship behavior.
Schlinger, Barney A.; Schultz, J. Douglas; Hertel, Fritz. Hormones
and Behavior; September 2001; v.40, no.2, p.276-280.
Neuropeptide-Y: A possible mediator of prolactin-induced feeding and
regulator of energy balance in the ring dove (Strepto peliarisoria).
Strader, A. D.; Buntin, J. D. Journal of Neuroendocrinology; April
2001; v.13, no.4, p.386-392.
Neurotransmitters regulating acid secretion in the proventriculus
of the Houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata): A morphological
New ages for the last Australian megafauna: Continent-wide extinction
about 46,000 years ago. Roberts, Richard G.; Flannery, Timothy F.;
Ayliffe, Linda K.; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Olley, Jon M.; Prideaux, Gavin
J.; Laslett, Geoff M.; Baynes, Alexander; Smith, M. A.; Jones, Rhys;
Smith, Barton L. Science (Washington D C); 8 June 2001; v.292, no.5523,
New bird records for the island of Panay, Philippines, including the
first record of the Asian Stubtail Urosphena squameiceps
New distributional ranges for Melanesian birds. Dutson, Guy. Emu;
2001; v.101, no.3, p.237-248.
New host and geographical records for helminths parasites of Ardeidae
(Aves, Ciconiiformes) in Brazil. de Arruda, Vanessa S.; Pinto, Roberto
M.; Muniz-Pereira, Luis C. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia; Junho 2001;
v.18, no.Supl. 1, p.225-232.
New light on the bird phenomenon at Jatinga in North Cachar Hills
of Assam. Gupta, Kalyan K. Indian Forester; October 2001; v.127, no.10,
New name for the Bolivian Blackbird. Lowther, Peter E. Bulletin of
the British Ornithologists' Club; December 2001; v.121, no.4, p.280-281.
New site record of the Indian great black woodpecker Dryocopus javensis
(Horsfield) from Andhra Pradesh. Srinivasulu, C.; Rao, V. Vasudeva;
Ravinder, G.; Nagulu, V. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society;
August 2001; v.98, no.2, p.280-281.
New specimens of the Middle Eocene fossil mousebird Selmes absurdipes
Peters 1999. Mayr, Gerald. Ibis; July 2001; v.143, no.3, p.427-434.
New stem cell workshop. van Bekkum, Dirk W. Stem Cells (Miamisburg);
2001; v.19, no.3, p.260-262.
New Zealand dotterel catches fish. Parker, Kevin. Notornis; September
2001; v.48, no.3, p.164.
Newcastle disease virus in double-crested cormorants in Alabama, Florida,
and Mississippi. Farley, Jacqueline M.; Romero, Carlos H.; Spalding,
Marilyn G.; Avery, Michael L.; Forrester, Donald J. Journal of Wildlife
Diseases; October 2001; v.37, no.4, p.808-812.
nitrogen content. Hassall, Mark; Riddington, Roger; Helden, Alvin.
Oecologia (Berlin); March 2001; v.127, no.1, p.97-104.
No effect of parental quality or extrapair paternity on brood sex
ratio in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus). Leech, David I.; Hartley,
Ian R.; Stewart, Ian R. K.; Griffith, Simon C.; Burke, Terry. Behavioral
Ecology; Nov.-Dec. 2001; v.12, no.6, p.674-680.
No effects of a feather mite on body condition, survivorship, or grooming
behavior in the Seychelles warbler, Acrocephalus sechellensis. Dowling,
Damian K.; Richardson, David S.; Komdeur, Jan. Behavioral Ecology
and Sociobiology; August 2001; v.50, no.3, p.257-262.
No effects of a feather mite on body condition, survivorship, or grooming
behavior in the Seychelles warbler, Acrocephalus sechellensis. Dowling,
Damian K.; Richardson, David S.; Komdeur, Jan. Behavioral Ecology
and Sociobiology; August 2001; v.50, no.3, p.257-262.
No evidence for effects of breeding density and male removal on extrapair
paternity in the Pied Flycatcher. Ratti, Osmo; Lundberg, Arne; Tegelstrom,
Hakan; Alatalo, Rauno V. Auk; January 2001; v.118, no.1, p.147-155.
Nocturnal activities of post-breeding Wood Storks. Bryan, A. Larry,
Jr.; Snodgrass, Joel W.; Robinette, John R.; Daly, James L.; Brisbin,
I. Lehr, Jr. Auk; April 2001; v.118, no.2, p.508-513.
Nocturnal autumn bird migration at Falsterbo, South Sweden. Zehnder,
Susanna; Akesson, Susanne; Liechti, Felix; Bruderer, Bruno. Journal
of Avian Biology; September 2001; v.32, no.3, p.239-248.
Nocturnal flight behavior of waterbirds in close proximity to a transmission
powerline in the Florida Everglades. Deng, Jie; Frederick, Peter.
Waterbirds; December 2001; v.24, no.3, p.419-424.
Nocturnal flight behavior of waterbirds in close proximity to a transmission
powerline in the Florida Everglades. Deng, Jie; Frederick, Peter.
Waterbirds; December 2001; v.24, no.3, p.419-424.
Nocturnal foraging and habitat use by male Burrowing Owls in a heavily-cultivated
region of southern Saskatchewan. Sissons, Robert A.; Scalise, Karyn
L.; Wellicome, Troy I. Journal of Raptor Research; December 2001;
v.35, no.4, p.304-309.
Noggin and retinoic acid transform the identity of avian facial prominences.
Lee, S.-H.; Fu, K. K.; Hui, J. N.; Richman, J. M. Nature (London);
20-27 December 2001; v.414, no.6866, p.909-912.
Non-apoid flower-visiting fauna of Everglades National Park, Florida.
Pascarella, John B.; Waddington, K. D.; Neal, P. R. Biodiversity and
Conservation; April 2001; v.10, no.4, p.551-566.
Nonbreeding habitat selection and foraging behavior of the Black-throated
Green Warbler complex in Southeastern Mexico. Greenberg, Russell;
Gonzales, Claudia Elia; Bichier, Peter; Reitsma, Robert. Condor; February
2001; v.103, no.1, p.31-37.
Nonequilibrium diversity dynamics of the Lesser Antillean avifauna.
Ricklefs, Robert E.; Bermingham, Eldredge. Science (Washington D C);
16 November 2001; v.294, no.5546, p.1522-1524.
Nonlethal method for forensic evaluation of aldicarb exposure in wildlife.
Cobb, G. P.; Harper, F. D.; Weisskopf, C. P. Archives of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology; January 2001; v.40, no.1, p.77-88.
Nonrandom mating and productivity of adult and subadult Cooper's Hawks.
Boal, Clint W. Condor; May 2001; v.103, no.2, p.381-385.
Non-warning odors trigger innate color aversions: As long as they
are novel. Jetz, Walter; Rowe, Candy; Guilford, Tim. Behavioral Ecology;
Mar.-Apr. 2001; v.12, no.2, p.134-139.
Normobaric hyperoxic stress in budgerigars: Enzymic antioxidants and
lipid peroxidation. Jaensch, S.; Cullen, L.; Raidal, S. R. Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology Part C Toxicology & Pharmacology;
February 2001; v.128C, no.2, p.173-180.
Normobaric hyperoxic stress in budgerigars: Non-enzymic antioxidants.
Jaensch, S.; Cullen, L.; Morton, L.; Raidal, S. R. Comparative Biochemistry
and Physiology Part C Toxicology & Pharmacology; February 2001;
v.128C, no.2, p.181-187.
northeastern Nicaragua. Arguedas-Negrini, Nidia. Revista de Biologia
Tropical; June 2001; v.49, no.2, p.703-708.
Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) abundance in relation to yearly
weather and long-term climate patterns. Lusk, Jeffrey J.; Guthery,
Fred S.; DeMaso, Stephen J. Ecological Modelling; 1 December 2001;
v.146, no.1-3, p.3-15.
Northern bobwhite and scaled quail abundance and hunting regulation:
A Texas example. Peterson, Markus J. Journal of Wildlife Management;
October 2001; v.65, no.4, p.828-837.
Northern Gannet, Morus bassanus, nesting on Whitehorse Island, New
Brunswick. Corrigan, Sean; Diamond, Antony W. Canadian Field-Naturalist;
January-March 2001; v.115, no.1, p.176-177.
Northern Saw-whet owls in Rabun County. Beaton, Giff Oriole; September-December
2001; v.66, no.3-4, p.56-57.
Notch factor: A technique for separating Marsh Warblers Acrocephalus
palustris from Reed Warblers A. scirpaceus on spring migration. Kelly,
David; Cleere, Nigel; Pilcher, Charles W. T. Ringing & Migration;
November 2001; v.20, no.4, p.289-291.
note items removed include studies on broiler chickens, chicken diseases
(quail, too) poultry industry studies except where behaviors are investigated;
genetic studies (organism unlisted, etc.) physiological studies; development
studies; parasitic and disease (viral) esp. where human vectors (except
Nile Valley Fever, etc.)
Note on a method for individual recognition in feed pecking in free
running groups of hens. Brannas, Eva; Wiklund, Bo-Soren; Burel, Christine;
Ciszuk, Paul; Liljedahl, Lars-Erik; Kiessling, Anders. Applied Animal
Behaviour Science; 6 January 2001; v.70, no.3, p.239-243.
Note on the occurrence of Finsch's Bulbul on Sumatra. van Balen, S.
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club; June 2001; v.121, no.2,
Note on the Philippine cross-bill Loxia curvirostra luzoniensis. Clouet,
Michel; Goar, Jean-Louis. Alauda; 2001; v.69, no.2, p.331-334.
Notes on interactions between monkeys and African crowned eagles in
Tai National Park, Ivory Coast. Shultz, Susanne. Folia Primatologica;
July-August 2001; v.72, no.4, p.248-250.
Notes on the diet of successful and failed breeding Tawny Owls (Strix
aluco) in urban Rome, Italy. Ranazzi, Lamberto; Manganaro, Alberto;
Salvati, Luca. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia; 2001; v.44, no.1, p.53-57.
Notes on the natural history of the Pale-mandibled Aracari. Berg,
Karl S. Journal of Field Ornithology; Spring 2001; v.72, no.2, p.258-266.
Notes on the poorly-known Buckley's Forest Falcon Micrastur buckleyi
including voice, range and first Brazilian records. Whittaker, Andrew.
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club; September 2001; v.121,
no.3, p.198-208.
Notes on the sixth specimen record of the Three-toed Swiftlet Aerodramus
papuensis in Papua New Guinea. Hamilton, Steven G.; Erico, John; Tarburton,
Michael K. Corella; March 2001; v.25, no.1, p.12-14.
Notes on the status and distribution of the Long-billed Curlew in
the Rosetown-Biggar District, SK. Renaud, Wayne E.; Wapple, Guy J.
Blue Jay; December 2001; v.59, no.4, p.188-192.
Notes on the winter diet of Short-eared Owls in northern California.
Bogiatto, Raymond J.; Hindley, John A.; Surles, Rebecca L. Western
North American Naturalist; October 2001; v.61, no.4, p.501-502.
Notes on the winter diet of the crested francolin in South Africa.
van Niekerk, J. H. South African Journal of Wildlife Research; 2001;
v.31, no.1-2, p.66-67.
Novel food use by Grey Kingbirds and Red-necked Pigeons in Barbados.
Lefebvre, Louis; Reader, Simon M.; Webster, Sandra J. Bulletin of
the British Ornithologists' Club; December 2001; v.121, no.4, p.247-249.
Novel motor gestures for phonation during inspiration enhance the
acoustic complexity of birdsong. Goller, Franz; Daley, Monica A. Proceedings
of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B; 22 November 2001;
v.268, no.1483, p.2301-2305.
Novel motor gestures for phonation during inspiration enhance the
acoustic complexity of birdsong. Goller, Franz; Daley, Monica A. Proceedings
of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B; 22 November 2001;
v.268, no.1483, p.2301-2305.
Number of close spatial and temporal neighbors decreases the probability
of nest failure and shiny cowbird parasitism in colonial Yellow-winged
Blackbirds. Massoni, Viviana; Reboreda, Juan Carlos. Condor; August
2001; v.103, no.3, p.521-529.
Number of close spatial and temporal neighbors decreases the probability
of nest failure and shiny cowbird parasitism in colonial Yellow-winged
Blackbirds. Massoni, Viviana; Reboreda, Juan Carlos. Condor; August
2001; v.103, no.3, p.521-529.
Numbers and breeding distribution of the Bee-eater Merops apiaster
in province Voivodina (northern Serbia) between 1987 and 1990. Purger,
J. J. Vogelwelt; 2001; v.122, no.5, p.279-282.
Numbers and distribution of Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus breeding
in England and Wales in 1998. Wilson, Andrew M.; Vickery, Juliet A.;
Browne, Stephen J. Bird Study; March 2001; v.48, no.1, p.2-17.
Numbers, distribution and breeding biology of Ring Ouzels in upper
Glen Esk, 1992-98. Arthur, D. S. C.; White, S. A. Scottish Birds;
June 2001; v.22, no.1, p.50-59.
Numbers, migration phenology and survival of Purple Sandpipers Calidris
maritima at Gourdon, eastern Scotland. Summers, Ron W.; Nicoll, Mike;
Peach, Will. Bird Study; July 2001; v.48, no.2, p.139-146.
Numbers, migration phenology and survival of Purple Sandpipers Calidris
maritima at Gourdon, eastern Scotland. Summers, Ron W.; Nicoll, Mike;
Peach, Will. Bird Study; July 2001; v.48, no.2, p.139-146.
Nutrient compositions of acorns and horse chestnuts in relation to
seed-hoarding. Shimada, Takuya. Ecological Research; December 2001;
v.16, no.4, p.803-808.
Nutrition related micrognathia in ostriches. Perelman, B.; Fucks,
D.; Heller, D.; Schonfeld, M. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine;
2001; v.56, no.4, p.135-140.
Nutritional and bacteriological properties of some game duck carcasses.
Khalifa, A. H.; Nassar, A. M. Nahrung; August 2001; v.45, no.4, p.286-292.
Nutritional and genetic adaptation of galliform birds: Implications
for hand-rearing and restocking. Liukkonen-Anttila, Tuija. Acta Universitatis
Ouluensis A Scientiae Rerum Naturalium; 2001; no.367, p.1-73.
Nutritional condition and muscular features of wintering Long-billed
Murrelets in Japan. Oka, Nariko; Hamasoto, Harum.i Condor; November
2001; v.103, no.4, p.874-878.
Nutritional interactions and fruit removal: Cedar Waxwing consumption
of Viburnum opulus fruits in spring. Witmer, Mark C. Ecology (Washington
D C); November 2001; v.82, no.11, p.3120-3130.
Nutritional quality of shinnery oak buds and catkins in response to
burning or herbivory. Boyd, Chad S.; Vermeire, Lance T.; Bidwell,
T. G.; Lochmiller, Robert L. Southwestern Naturalist; September 2001;
v.46, no.3, p.295-301.
Nutritional quality of shinnery oak buds and catkins in response to
burning or herbivory. Boyd, Chad S.; Vermeire, Lance T.; Bidwell,
T. G.; Lochmiller, Robert L. Southwestern Naturalist; September 2001;
v.46, no.3, p.295-301.
Observational learning in hummingbirds. Altshuler, Douglas L.; Nunn,
Andrea M. Auk; July 2001; v.118, no.3, p.795-799.
Observations from banding House Finches in the fall of 1995 at Regina,
SK. Hjertaas, Dale; Hjertaas, Paule. Blue Jay; June 2001; v.59, no.2,
Observations of predation events at bird nests in central Panama.
Robinson, W. Douglas; Robinson, Tara Rodden. Journal of Field Ornithology;
Winter 2001; v.72, no.1, p.43-48.
Observations of predation of Hen Harrier nestlings by Hooded Crows
in Orkney. Amar, Arjun; Burthe, Sarah. Scottish Birds; June 2001;
v.22, no.1, p.65-66.
Observations on burdock-killed birds in King's Park, Winnipeg, MB.
Underwood, Todd J.; Underwood, Robyn M. Blue Jay; June 2001; v.59,
no.2, p.64-69.
Observations on the coexistence of Palearctic and African Orioles
Oriolus spec. in Zimbabwe. Baumann, Sabine. Vogelwelt; 2001; v.122,
no.2, p.67-79.
Observations on the diet of the Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus
in the Illawarra Rainforest, New South Wales. Waterhouse, R. D. Corella;
June 2001; v.25, no.2, p.32-38.
Observations on the nocturnal migration of the Kurrichane Buttonquail
in northern South Africa. Herholdt, J. J.
Observations on the patterns of embryonic mortality over the laying
season of pheasants. Deeming, D. C.; Wadland, D. British Poultry Science;
December 2001; v.42, no.5, p.569-573.
Observations on the status of the land birds, wading birds and seabirds
of Samoa. Tarburton, Michael K. Emu; 2001; v.101, no.4, p.349-360.
Obtaining and storing House Sparrow eggs in quantity for nest-predation
experiments. DeGraaf, Richard M.; Maier, Thomas J. Journal of Field
Ornithology; Winter 2001; v.72, no.1, p.124-130.
Occurrence of Burrowing Owls in black-tailed prairie dog colonies
on Great Plains National Grasslands. Sidle, John G.; Ball, Mark; Byer,
Timothy; Chynoweth, James J.; Foli, Gary; Hodorff, Robert; Moravek,
Glen; Peterson, Richard;Svingen, Daniel N. Journal of Raptor Research;
December 2001; v.35, no.4, p.316-321.
Occurrence of Greater Sage-Grouse X Sharp-tailed Grouse hybrids in
Alberta. Aldridge, Cameron L.; Oyler-McCance, Sara J.; Brigham, R.
Mark. Condor; August 2001; v.103, no.3, p.657-660.
Occurrence of lesser florican Sypheotides indica at Hosor, in Nashik
district, Maharashtra. Raha, B.; Prakash, Vibhu. Journal of the Bombay
Natural History Society; August 2001; v.98, no.2, p.279.
Occurrence of Pasteurella multocida and related species in village
free ranging chickens and their animal contacts in Tanzania. Muhairwa,
A. P.; Mtambo, M. M. A.; Christensen, J. P.; Bisgaard, M. Veterinary
Microbiology; 26 January 2001; v.78, no.2, p.139-153.
Occurrence of the Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) in mediterranean coastal
woodlands: Wood size and vegetation affect patch occupation. Salvati,
Luca; Manganaro, Alberto; Ranazzi, Lamberto. Ornithologischer Anzeiger;
Oktober 2001; v.40, no.2-3, p.165-171.
Occurrence of the white-winged black tern Chlidonias leucopterus in
Kerala. Ravindran, P. K. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society;
April 2001; v.98, no.1, p.112-113.
Occurrence patterns of Peregrine Falcons on Southeast Farallon Island,
California, by subspecies, age, and sex. Earnheart-Gold, Sasha; Pyle,
Peter. Western Birds; September 15 2001; v.32, no.2, p.119-126.
Occurrence of great Indian bustard Ardeotis nigriceps at Hosur, Nashik
district, Maharashtra. Raha, B.; Prakash, Vibhu. Journal of the Bombay
Natural History Society; April 2001; v.98, no.1, p.110-111.
Occurrences of candidiasis in a Fisher's Lovebird and a budgerigar.
Sato, Yoshihiko; Aoyagi, Takahiro; Kobayashi, Takashi; Inoue, Jun.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science; August 2001; v.63, no.8, p.939-941.
Ocular and encephalic toxoplasmosis in canaries. Williams, Susan M.;
Fulton, Richard M.; Render, James A.; Mansfield, Linda; Bouldin, Michelle.
Avian Diseases; January-March 2001; v.45, no.1, p.262-267.
Offspring age and nest defence: Test of the feedback hypothesis in
the meadow pipit. Pavel, Vaclav; Bures, Stanislav. Animal Behaviour;
February 2001; v.61, no.2, p.297-303.
Offspring body condition and immunocompetence are negatively affected
by high breeding densities in a colonial seabird: A multiscale approach.
Tella, J. L.; Forero, M. G.; Bertellotti, M.; Donazar, J. A.; Blanco,
G.; Ceballos, O. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences
Series B; 22 July 2001; v.268, no.1475, p.1455-1461.
Offspring sex ratio is unrelated to male attractiveness in dark-eyed
juncos (Junco hyemalis). Grindstaff, Jennifer L.; Buerkle, C. Alex;
Casto, Joseph M.; Nolan, Val, Jr.; Ketterson, Ellen D. Behavioral
Ecology and Sociobiology; September 2001; v.50, no.4, p.312-316.
On a nest of the Planalto Woodcreeper, Dendrocolaptes platyrostris,
with taxonomic and conservation notes. Willis, Edwin O.; Oniki, Yoshika.
Wilson Bulletin; June 2001; v.113, no.2, p.231-233.
On cognitive conservation biology: Why chickadees leave a patch of
woodland. Grubb, Thomas C., Jr.; Bronson, C. L. Journal of Avian Biology;
December 2001; v.32, no.4, p.372-376.
On drawing conclusions nine years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
Wiens, John A.; Day, Robert H.; Murphy, Stephen M.; Parker, Keith
R. Condor; November 2001; v.103, no.4, p.886-892.
On misconceptions of evolutionary archaeology: Confusing macroevolution
and microevolution. Lyman, R. Lee; O'Brien, Michael J. Current Anthropology;
June 2001; v.42, no.3, p.408-409.
On the breeding bird community of Wadi Al-Kharrar, Jordan Valley.
Khoury, Fares. Zoology in the Middle East; 2001; v.22, p.37-44.
On the distribution of terrestrial invertebrates at Cape Bird, Ross
Island, Antarctica. Sinclair, Brent J. Polar Biology; June 2001; v.24,
no.6, p.394-400.
On the origin of Darwin's finches. Sato, Akie; Tichy, Herbert; O'hUigin,
Colm; Grant, Peter R.; Grant, B. Rosemary; Klein, Jan. Molecular Biology
and Evolution; March 2001; v.18, no.3, p.299-311.
On the ruddy color of the Ruddy Turnstone. Hailman, Jack P. Florida
Field Naturalist; June 2001; v.29, no.2, p.47-48.
On the species identity of Ascaridia galli (Schrank, 1788) and Ascaridia
dissimilis (Perez Vigueras, 1931): A comparative genetic study. Snabel,
V.; Permin, A.; Magwisha, H. B.; Suo, X.; Varady, M.; Tomasovicova,
O. Helminthologia (Bratislava); December 2001; v.38, no.4, p.221-226.
On the taxonomy and biogeography of Euodia and Melicope (Rutaceae).
Hartley, T. G. Allertonia; February 2001; v.8, no.1, p.1-319.
On the temporal variability of the physical environment over the south-eastern
Bering Sea. Stabeno, P. J.; Bond, N. A.; Kachel, N. B.; Salo, S. A.;
Schumacher, J. D. Fisheries Oceanography; March 2001; v.10, no.1,
On the termination of species. Gibbs, W. Wayt. Scientific American;
November 2001; v.285, no.5, p.40-49.
On types of trochilids in the Natural History Museum, Tring III. Amazilia
alfaroana Underwood (1896), with notes on
Ontario Bird Records Committee Report for 2000. Roy, Kayo J. Ontario
Birds; August 2001; v.19, no.2, p.45-64.
Ontogeny of calls of a nonpasserine species: The grey crowned crane
Balearica regulorum gibbericeps. Budde, Christa. African Journal of
Ecology; March 2001; v.39, no.1, p.33-37.
Ontogeny of catabolic and morphological properties of skeletal muscle
of the red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus). Olson, J. M. Journal
of Comparative Physiology B Biochemical Systemic and Environmental
Physiology; October 2001; v.171, no.7, p.527-542.
Ontogeny of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) and montane voles (Microtus
montanus) as owl prey. Lyman, R. Lee; Power, Emma; Lyman, R. Jay.
American Midland Naturalist; July 2001; v.146, no.1, p.72-79.
Ontogeny of defense and adaptive coloration in larvae of the comma
butterfly, Polygonia c-album (Nymphalidae). Nylin, Soren; Gamberale-Stille,
Gabriella; Tullberg, Birgitta S. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society;
15 February 2001; v.55, no.2, p.69-73.
Optimal conditions for breeding of captive Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus
humboldti): A survey of British zoos. Blay, Nicola; Cote, Isabelle
M. Zoo Biology; 2001; v.20, no.6, p.545-555.
Optimal departure decisions of songbirds from an experimental stopover
site and the significance of weather. Danhardt, Juliana; Lindstrom,
Ake. Animal Behaviour; August 2001; v.62, no.2, p.235-243.
Optimizing removals to control a metapopulation: Application to the
yellow legged herring gull (Larus cachinnans). Brooks, Elizabeth N.;
Lebreton, Jean-Dominique. Ecological Modelling; 20 January 2001; v.136,
no.2-3, p.269-284.
Opuntia: A "prickly paradigm" for quail management in west-central
Texas. Slater, Stacey C.; Rollins, Dale; Dowler, Robert C.; Scott,
Cody B. Wildlife Society Bulletin; Summer 2001; v.29, no.2, p.713-719.
Orange Bishops breeding in Phoenix, Arizona. Gatz, Thomas A. Western
Birds; 2001; v.32, no.1, p.81-82.
Organochlorine concentrations and eggshell thickness in failed eggs
of the California Clapper Rail from south San Francisco Bay. Schwarzbach,
Steven E.; Henderson, John D.; Thomas, Carmen M.; Albertson, Joy D.
Condor; August 2001; v.103, no.3, p.620-624.
Organochlorine concentrations and eggshell thickness in failed eggs
of the California Clapper Rail from south San Francisco Bay. Schwarzbach,
Steven E.; Henderson, John D.; Thomas, Carmen M.; Albertson, Joy D.
Condor; August 2001; v.103, no.3, p.620-624.
Organochlorine contaminant exposure and reproductive success of black-crowned
night-herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) nesting in Baltimore Harbor,
Maryland. Rattner, B. A.; McGowan, P. C.; Hatfield, J. S.; Hong, C.-S.;
Chu, S. G. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology;
July 2001; v.41, no.1, p.73-82.
Organochlorine contaminants and biomarker response in double-crested
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Ryan, Peter G.; Cooper, John; Glass, James P. |